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  1. 一、英语语篇的功能和价值;

  2. 二、语篇研读的框架和思路;

  3. 三、语篇研读需要关注的问题;

  4. 二、语篇研读案例分析。


  • 语篇是表达意义的语言单位,其表层包括语音、词汇、语法和语用知识等,其深层包括文化知识和文化意涵,依托语篇可以让学生在学习表层语言知识的同时了解语言背后的文化知识、价值取向和思维方式;

  • 语篇为英语教学提供基础素材,语篇赋予语言学习以主题、情景和内容,服务于主题意义的表达,使得语言学习不再束之高阁,而有了丰富的依托,增强了其整体性和趣味性;

  • 语篇是英语课程育人的重要载体,学生通过了解语篇传递出的深层意涵,加深对中西方语言和文化的认识,并以新的视角探索和理解自己的国家和文化,增强跨文化意识和文化自信;




  1. 语篇的主题和内容是什么?(What

    What 的问题要求我们从主题和内容的角度出发去思考语篇,主要关注于语篇的核心议题、话题或主题是什么。在进行what问题的思考时,教师需要梳理和总结语篇的内容概述和关键点,以便形成一个基于语篇内容的知识结构。

  2. 语篇传递的意义是什么?(Why

    Why 的问题促使教师们进一步探究语篇背后的意义,特别是它如何传达特定的文化、社会或个人的观点和价值观。教师可以从作者或说话人的视角分析语篇的主题、语境、内容和语言,确定主题意义,推断写作目的,并在教学中指导学生通过与语篇反复互动,从不同角度和层次分析和推断作者的情感态度和写作意图,深入理解主题意义。

  3. 语篇具有什么样的文体特征、内容结构和语言特点(How

    How 的部分鼓励教师们从文体和语言的角度去思考语篇,包括其文体特征、内容结构和语言特点等。教师可以通过分析这些元素,理解语篇是如何被组织为一个结构严谨、意义连贯的语言整体的;可以通过分析语音、词汇、语法等语言知识要素的语用功能,理解它们是如何相互联系、共同建构语篇和表达主题意义的;还可以通过分析语篇中的衔接和连贯手段,理解语篇成分(如句子、句群、段落)之间的逻辑语义关系,如主次关系、因果关系、概括与例证关系等。


  1. 避免过度解读语篇


  2. 重视对图片的研读


  3. 明确语篇研读的目的


  4. 注意和教学紧密结合




九年级 Unit 7 Journeys Lesson 19 The Silk Road

My dad is very interested in history and the Silk Road has always fascinated him. He has told me many things about it. Although it’s called the Silk Road, people traded much more than silk. The Silk Road went through Asia, the Middle East, 500 km from Xi’an to Rome and it played an important role in the development of the world. My family spent a holiday last summer and went to some famous places along the original road.

We started at Lanzhou and went on to Wuwei. Wuwei was a very important city on the Silk Road. It connected three main cities in the area in ancient times. It was also a capital. Although it’s now a modern city, you can sense history when you visit it. We saw lots of very old stone monuments(纪念碑) and people there were very proud of their city’s long history.

The next stop was Jiayuguan. It’s quite near the desert, and was an important place on the Silk Road. It was a busy city with a lot of people coming and going. Even today, it’s still busy. An important part of the Great Wall was also built here.

After that, we went on to Yumenguan. I first found out about Yumenguan from Wang Zhihuan, an ancient Chinese poet. It was in the Gobi Desert and was the only connection between Central Asia and China. I wonder how people went through the hot desert so long ago.

Finally, we arrived in Dunhuang, a city with long history and great artworks. It was influenced by many different cultures over times. Now it’s a major place of interest in north-west China.

This trip wasn’t just a scenic journey. It helped me understand the history of the area and see how people from different places influenced each other in many ways.







语篇语言有典型的游记特点:以start at, the next stop,after that, finally等词汇呈现游览的时间和空间顺序;对四个城市的地理信息和古今特点描写较多,如on the edge of, theonly connection, in Gobi desert, an important city, a busycity, a city with long history and great artwork, go / travelthrough, a scenic journey等。


五年级 Unit 4 Shopping Day Lesson 2

Saleswoman: Good morning. Can I help you?

Binbin: Yes. I want to buy a present for my friend.

Saleswoman:What about a model car?

Binbin: Yes, that's great. He loves cars. How much is it?

Saleswoman: It's 30 yuan.

Binbin: OK, I'll take it. Thanks a lot.






这个生活对话按照购物的交流过程展开。有关购物的核心语言包括:营业员打招呼(Can I help you?)和顾客致谢(Thanks a lot.),询问和回复商品价格(How much is it? It's 30 yuan.),营业员给顾客提建议(What about.?)以及顾客表达购买愿望(I want to buy . OK,I'll take it. )。旁边的图片呈现了对话发生的购物场景——玩具店,其中有对话的双.方人物以及摆满各种标价商品的货架。


北师大版九年级全一册 Unit 2 Books Lesson 5 The book Club

Host: Hello everyone. I'm your host David Newton and welcome to"The Book Club". Today we're going to discuss how important reading is. Our guests today are well-known writer Sandra White and English teacher Dr Peter Johnson. Welcome to the show.

Sandra: Thank you. It's great to be here.

Peter: Thanks.

Host: I remember the famous American writer Mark Twain once said, "Theman who doesn't read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them."What do youthink, Peter?

Peter: That's true. Twain was a very wise man. I think we forget that there was a time when fewer people knew how to read and write. Now reading is something everyone does. There's a world of wonderful books out there-old books, new books, e-books-it doesn't matter. They can all help people learn.

Sandra: Well, not all books help people learn. Good books do.

Host: So, Sandra. How do we know if we're reading a good book or not? What is a good book?

Sandra: Well, it depends on what you're looking for, but one thing is clear: good books are inspiring. A lot of famous people who achieved great things were inspired by a certain book during a key period in their life-usually when they were young.

Peter: Right. I remember the famous British science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke once said, "I'mrather proud of the fact that I know several astronauts who became astronauts through reading my books."

Host: That's very interesting! And…


本语篇是读好书这一话题的访谈信息。“The Book club”节目主持人 DavidNewton与英语教师 Peter和著名作家 Sandra White就阅读的重要性这个话题进行访谈。主持人抛出马克·吐温的名言“The man who doesn't read good books has noadvantage over the man who can't read them."并询问对这句话的看法。 Peter认为现在每个人都在阅读,世界上有各种各样的书都能帮助人们学习。而 i Sandra认为并不是所有的书对人都有帮助,好书才能够对人有帮助。接着主持人提出问题:“什么是好书?” Sandra指出好书是指能激励人的书,很多成功的人在关键时期,通常是年轻的时候,都被好书影响、激励过。




本文以访谈节目中三人对话的形式,说明读好书能激励人这个道理。其中用了访谈的功能句、判断与评价的功能句,如明确访谈主题:“Today we're going to discuss how important reading is.”;抛出问题:“…What do you think, Peter?”;转换话题:“So,Sandra. How do we know if we're reading a good book or not? What is a good book?”;呼应谈话:“That's very interesting! And..”;评价反应:“That's true..I think." "Well, it depends on what you're looking for."等,使针对主题的访谈顺利展开。用举例的手法如a world of books—old books, new books, e-books说明现在有各种各样的书供人们阅读。访谈引用了名言,如美国著名作家马克·吐温的话"The man who doesn't read good books has no advantage over the man who can'tread them.”和英国科幻小说作家 Arthur C. Clarke的话“I'm rather proud of the fact that I know several astronauts who became astronauts through reading my books."证明读好书的重要性,使人深思并信服。用被动语态的句子“A lot of famous people who achieved great things were inspired by a certain book during a key period in their life — usually when they were young.”,从而凸显读好书促人成长这一主题意义。


北师大版九年级全一册 Unit 2 Books Lesson 4 Classics


Tom Sawyer first appeared in Mark Twain's book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. He also appears in three other books by Twain. Tom is an orphan. His curiosity and friendship with a boy named Huckleberry Finn often get him into trouble with his serious Aunt Polly. The book includes dialogues that show how language was spoken at the time. When it was published, people weren't used to this and it upset some of them. However, it has remained a popular and important book since it was first published in 1876.


The silly creatures in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland were created by Lewis Carroll. In the 1865 book, a young girl named Alice falls down a rabbit hole and drops into a strange land. As she travels through the land, she meets many characters, solves puzzles, and tries to avoid the awful Queen of Hearts. Carroll was very bright and had a degree in maths from Oxford. When he wrote the book, he also added maths puzzles to the story. As they were so well hidden, many readers today still enjoy trying to find and solve these puzzles.


Lord of the Flies was written by William Golding. The book is about a group of young boys who are forced to stay on an island together after their plane has an accident. As they wait for help, they try to live off the land and build a small society. However, the boys don't get along and have trouble keeping the peace. The book was published in 1954. Although it was not a great success at first, it became popular later. By the early 1960s, it was taught in many schools in Britain. Two films have also been made of the story.






本文是说明文,文中借助配图、黑体字、彩色标号等凸显名著的书名、小主人公和内容特点,以吸引读者的好奇心和兴趣。文本从书名、作者、小主人公、内容、书的特点、印刷情况、受欢迎程度等方面的介绍,使读者全面了解这三部名著,同时呈现了推介名著的语篇结构。本文用了一般现在时介绍三部名著的主要内容,用一般过去时及过去时态的被动语态介绍三部名著的各自特点以及当时引起的强烈反响。三部书中的小主人公各有其特点,如汤姆像邻家淘气的小朋友,爱丽丝是进入了神奇仙境的幸运女孩,男孩们是在荒岛上艰难求生的勇敢孩子。用转折连词 however、as、although,则凸显了这几部名著受欢迎的原因和程度。文中的时间短语,如 in 1876、in 1865、in 1954、by 1960s,则凸显了名著的历史悠久和经典。文中的 remained(a popular and important book)、still(enjoy trying to find and solve these puzzles)、also(been made of the story)等词汇,也凸显了名著如今仍然很受欢迎。


北师大版九年级全一册 Unit 2 Books Lesson 6 Tom Sawyer

It was a beautiful Saturday morning, a perfect morning for playing or swimming. However, Tom had to finish the work Aunt Polly gave him. As Tom started to paint Aunt Polly's very long fence, along came Ben Rogers with a juicy apple in his hand.

Tom was silent. He focused on his painting like an artist.

"Looks like a lot of work, Tom."

Tom turned suddenly. "Oh, it's you, Ben! I didn't notice."

"I'm going swimming. Don't you wish you could come instead of doing work?"

"What do you call work?" asked Tom.

"Isn't that work?"

Tom kept painting and answered carelessly, "Well, maybe it is, and maybe it isn't. All I know is it isn't work for me."

"Oh come on. You can't mean you like it?"

Tom continued painting. "Like it? Well, I don't see why not. Does a boy get a chance to paint a fence every day?"

That put the thing in a new light. Ben stopped eating his apple. Tom swept his brush carefully back and forth, added a touch of paint here and there, and stopped to take a look at it all. Ben watched every move and became more and more interested until he finally said, "Tom, why don't you let me paint a little?"

Tom considered Ben's offer. "Well, no, I can't let you, Ben. You see, Aunt Polly's very proud of this fence. I think there isn't one boy in a thousand, maybe two thousand, that can do it the way it's got to be done."

"Oh come on. Let me try. I'd let you, if I were painting, Tom."

"Ben, I'd like to, honestly, but Aunt Polly, well..."

"I'll be careful. Just let me try. I'll give you some of my apple."

"Well, no, Ben. I'm afraid..."

"I'll give you all of it!"

Tom slowly gave Ben the paintbrush. Ben took the brush eagerly and started to paint. On Tom's face was a look of regret, but in his heart, he was satisfied.











作者用了丰富的动副词搭配描写Tom和Ben的行为及心理变化,如描写Tom欲擒故纵时用了 turned suddenly、answered carelessly、brush carefully、slowly gave;描写Ben终于如愿以偿的状态时,用了finally said、took the brush eagerly。作者还用了一系列连续的动词短语描写事情微妙的变化和进展,突出表现了这两个人物的心理,如“Tom swept his brush carefully back and forth, added a touch of paint here and there, and stopped to take a look at it all”;用了反问句、疑问句加强语气,把他俩本来已明确的意思表现得更加鲜明、强烈,如“Don’t you wish you could come instead of doing work?”“Isn’t that work?”“Does a boy get a chance to paint a fence every day?”;用语气词表示乞求,期待Tom答应,如“Oh come on.” Tom所说的每句话的字面意义和它真实含义几乎都不同,Tom做的每个动作几乎都有特别的用意,学生需在语境中推测、理解Tom的真正用意,文章字里行间隐含着人物情感的变化。


Module 1 My first day at senior high

Monday 4 September

After I had pictured it over and over again in my mind, the big day finally arrived: my first day at senior high! I woke up early and rushed out of the door in my eagerness to get to know my new school.

The campus was still quiet when I arrived, so I decided to explore a bit. I was looking at the photos on the noticeboard when I heard a voice behind me. “New here?” Turing around, I saw a white-haired man. “Yes,” I replied. “I’m wondering what life is going to be like here.” “Don’t worry,” he gave me a smile. “You’ll soon find out.”

How true these words were! When my English teacher stepped into the classroom, I was surprised to see the same man I had met earlier.

“Good morning, everyone. Before we start, please come to the front one by one and introduce yourself to the class. I’ll go first…”

“What?!” I tried to turn on my brain but the engine just wouldn’t start. “I should say my name, of course. But what else? What could I say to make a good first impression? Something about my insect collection, perhaps.” I was organizing my words in my head when the girl next to me gave me a nudge. “It’s your turn!”

With butterflies in my stomach, I breathed deeply. “Hi, I’m Meng Hao.” Everyone started laughing. I looked at them in panic. “Nice to know we share the same name,” said my new teacher. I had been too nervous to pay attention when he introduced himself! Although I was embarrassed, his words made me a lot more relaxed!

When we had all introduced ourselves, Mr Meng said, “Well done, everyone! I know this isn’t easy for many of you. But this is just the kind of thing you are going to face at senior high. Challenges like this might sometimes put you under pressure. But it all depends on what you do. Keep calm and be prepared. That way, you’ll make the most of your time at senior high.”

People say, “Well begun, half done.” I guess this was a good beginning to my new school life.









3)衔接手段:①使用的语法手段有“照应”,如第三人称代词(it,them,he,himself等)、指示代词(these,this等)、比较词语(earlier)。此外,还有“替代”(如 the same name, the same man等)和“省略”(如New here? But what else?等)。②使用的词汇手段有“同义词”(如 the big day-my first day,brain—engine等)、“反义词”(如embarrassed—relaxed等)。③使用的连接手段有“连词”(如but,although 等)。